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SRL Final Project Update - Content Change

You've heard this one before: the more I learn, the less I know. As I continue my research and reading about this project, I have come to the conclusion that a formal teacher-led assessment is just not something I want to in

clude in a SRL unit. Instead, I've opted to keep the 4 activities I've already created and focus on building a student-led self-assessment with teacher feedback.

So, here's the new structure for my unit on Ancient Egypt:

- Activity: Edit the Textbook - Agriculture and the Nile

- Activity: Expert Panelist - Famous Leaders

- Activity: Help the Archaeologists - Social Classes

- Activity: Curator for a Day - Religion and Mummification

- Self-Assessment Tool: Goal-Setting Stage, Formative Stage Feedback from Teacher with Student Response, Summative Stage Student Self-Assessment

For each of the activities, I created a real-world situation that centres around a real job that could be needed in historical research. The 'Edit the Textbook' activity has students take on the role of a publishing company editor who must fact check a few pages of a new student text. The 'Curator for a Day' activity has students take on the role of a museum curator who must sort through a jumbled collection to determine which deities and mummifaction practices are depicted in the artwork. In all cases, students must work through the activities in their own way - it's a no-teach environment... students are given the problem (n the form of an email, fax, or phone message), the materials (fact sheets, etc.), and a solution space (graphic organizers, etc.) That's it!

Phew! Now on to drafting a self assessment tool and then colleague feedback. This is so much fun to create!

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