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PME 810: Module 5, Part 1

For my cumulative output, I shared my combined Module 2-4 document and blog post reflections from the entire course with my chosen Professional Learning Community (PLC). [Note: these blog posts can be found by following the shortened url links at the end of this document.] I asked for feedback, for experiences, and for responses based on the diverse teaching and learning experiences of the group. I was prepared for limited interaction given the summer holidays and back to school season. What I was not expecting, however, was that the interaction I would get would be an expression of unworthiness. Many of the teachers who responded made comments like, ‘That made my head hurt!’ or, ‘I really can’t think about it all, I just do what I’m told.’ I was quite surprised and tried to encourage conversation with those views (focusing on their responses rather than the documents I had shared) but the most that came from the conversations were an identification of where their own curricular environment is situated. Other responses that engaged more fully with the information were centered on various teachers identifying where their school district falls on the spectrum as well as where their own teaching philosophy falls and the various ways of bridging both the resulting ideological and the practical gaps that invariably arise. (See attached screenshots for examples). Overall, however, I did not receive many responses.

Modules and Blog Post Links:


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