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Teachers Pay Teachers Product Descriptions that POP!

(GEEK alert:) I did it. I figured it out. I discovered the html code for LINE BREAKS and I am so excited right now! C'mon, this is AWESOME!


A few months back I got serious about my product descriptions on Teachers Pay Teachers and I've been sloooowwwwlllyyy updating all my old products with clickable links to related products. If you haven't done this before, it's SO EASY. Just follow these steps:

  1. Copy paste the following text where you want the clickable link to appear in your product description: <a href="link goes here" target="_blank">text you want</a><br />

  2. Replace 'link goes here' with the url for the product you want to link to.

  3. Replace 'text you want' with the title of the product you want to link to.

That's it! You're done! The result looks like this. (See the bold text? Each of those is a clickable link to another product. You can also click on this image to see it on my store and try the links yourself.)

I also figured out how to insert those cute bullet points in product descriptions (and in your custom categories, too)! Just go to this website, click on the bullet you want (it automatically copies it), then paste where you want it. It works just like text. (See image above for an example - the checkmarks!)

Finally, I discovered how to make text bold in the product descriptions. Here's the code:

<strong>Make Me Bold</ strong>

Just replace the 'make me bold' with whatever you want to be bold (see title in the photo above... 'Ancient Egypt Unit **Bundle**' is in bold text).


Sooooo, when I turned my attention to my Profile page on Tpt, I kinda wanted to smack my head against my desk. No matter what I did, no matter how many spaces I added, I couldn't get my bulleted lists to be list-like. Everything got smooshed into the same continuous line and it was impossible to read. Gross.

Then I found this little gem *cue the angelic chorus* → <br>

Yep. That's it. 4 characters. It's code you can memorize for heaven's sake! Just type it in at the end of a line where you want the line break to happen (and don't worry if it goes past the line where you're typing - it doesn't matter).

Here's the result in my store profile:


Have a go yourself and post your link in the comments. I'm so excited to see what you share!

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